Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 21.02
Genode 21.02 stays close to the plan laid out on our road map, featuring a healthy dose of optimizations, extends the framework's ARM SoC options, and introduces three longed-for new features.
First, we extended our concept of pluggable device drivers to all network drivers, including Ethernet and Wifi. As reported in Section Pluggable network device drivers, such drivers can now gracefully be started, restarted, removed, and updated at runtime without disrupting network-application stacks.
Second, the release features the infrastructure needed for mobile-data communication over LTE, which is a prerequisite for our ambition to use Genode on the PinePhone. Section LTE modem stack gives insights into the involved components and the architecture.
Third, we are happy to feature the initial version of VirtualBox 6 for Genode. Section VirtualBox 6.1.14 gives an overview of the already supported feature set and the outlook to reach feature-parity to our version of VirtualBox 5 soon. Speaking of VirtualBox in general (both versions), we were able to significantly improve the USB-device pass-through abilities, specifically covering audio headsets.
Further noteworthy improvements of the current release range from added VirtIO-block device support for virtual machines on ARM (Section VirtIO block devices for virtual machines on ARM), revived developments on RISC-V (Section RISC-V), over VFS support for named pipes (Section VFS support for named pipes), to streamlined tooling (Section Build system and tools).
Pluggable network device drivers
The results of our approach to pluggable framebuffer and input drivers encouraged us to take on the third major driver category, namely networking drivers, which subsumes not only Ethernet drivers but also wireless networking drivers and mobile baseband drivers. The latter two are of course particularly interesting for mobile communication devices.
Similarly to the story linked above for the framebuffer and input drivers, Genode's network drivers used to play the roles of NIC servers, providing a network-interface service to network applications. As a consequence, the lifetime of a network application was always bound to the lifetime of the underlying NIC driver. This is unfortunate because those drivers can be obscenely complex, putting the liveliness of the dependent application stack at risk.
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However, in most scenarios, networking applications do not operate directly on a network interface because this would prevent the use of the network interface by more than one application at a time. Instead, there is usually a NIC multiplexing component in-between the driver and one or multiple applications. In most contemporary scenarios this is the NIC router that acts as NIC client towards the driver and as NIC server towards the applications.
Thus, we contemplated the idea of letting the NIC driver operate as NIC client of the NIC router instead. This would decouple the application from the driver's lifetime while the driver's special role would be modeled solely by a routing policy. However, even though the data channel of the NIC interface is bi-directional, we realized that the reversal of the role of the driver does not only entail the communication of network payload but also propagation of the link state and the MAC address. This prompted us to introduce a new Genode session type called "Uplink" that precisely models the NIC-driver-as-client scenario.
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In a nutshell, an Uplink session is almost the same as a NIC session with only three minor differences. First, the MAC address is given by the client (the driver) as an argument at session-creation time. Second, the roles of the TX and RX packet streams are interchanged compared to a NIC session. I.e., the client transmits via TX and receives through RX while at the server side it's vice-versa. And third - as a mere interface optimization - the link state of an uplink session is always "up". The session is requested by the client (the driver) only in the event of a "link-up" edge. Analogously, whenever the link goes "down", the client closes the session again.
With this new session interface in place, the NIC router becomes the only long-running component in the scenario. It provides both a NIC and an uplink session interface. The NIC session interface is used by network applications. The uplink session interface is used by drivers. Inside the router, uplink sessions are treated the same as NIC sessions. Therefore, we decided that the well known <policy> tags in the configuration are now simply applied to both session types. This means, that each <uplink> tag that connected a driver in a router configuration can now be replaced by a <policy> tag with a label attribute that matches the driver's session request.
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We divided the process for this architectural change into the following autonomous steps:
Introduce the uplink session and uplink-session support in the NIC router.
Let NIC drivers support both modes, "NIC session server" and "Uplink session client" depending on a new transitional <config>-tag attribute mode. This attribute is optional and has two possible values, uplink_client and nic_server, of which it defaults to the latter.
Adapt all network scenarios in the basic Genode repositories to use NIC drivers only with <config mode="uplink_client">.
Remove support for the "NIC session server" mode from all NIC drivers and with it also the transitional mode attribute.
All steps except the last one are completed by now. The transitional mode attribute and the "NIC session server" mode will remain available in all NIC drivers until the next Genode release in order to give others the opportunity to gracefully adapt their NIC drivers and network scenarios to the change.
Further information
The overarching topic of pluggable device drivers was covered by our recent presentation at FOSDEM 2021. You can find the video recording and the presentation slides at the following link.
- Pluggable device drivers for Genode
presented at FOSDEM 2021
LTE modem stack
With the current release, Genode adds LTE broadband modem support for packet data connections. This way, it becomes possible to browse the internet using the SIM card of your broadband service provider. For a description of the protocols and the general terminology when talking about LTE modems, our LTE modem support for Genode Genodians article is a good starting point.
From the device side, LTE modems register themselves as USB devices at the USB host controller. The speciality is that a modem offers two interfaces. First, a USB network interface (like NCM or ECM) and second, a Wireless Mobile Communication Device, which is a challenge/response control channel to the modem and used to configure the device. For the actual communication through the control channel, there exist two binary protocols: Namely, Mobile Broadband Interface Model (MBIM) and Qualcomm Mobile Station Interface (QMI). Whereas the former is a USB standard, QMI is a proprietary protocol by Qualcomm. Therefore, we picked a modem that supports the MBIM standard for our line of work.
USB modem support
In order to enable modem communication, we added the Linux USB modem driver for MBIM to our dde_linux device driver environment. This driver implements the NCM and WDM interfaces for the modem and provides a network uplink session for the NCM network interface and a terminal session for the WDM interface.
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MBIM protocol
MBIM is a binary protocol that is, for example, implemented by libmbim. Therefore, we ported libmbim to Genode. Since it requires glib, we had to enable features and improve our glib support on Genode. The libmbim library offers MBIM command handling only. For actually triggering modem-communication, the mbimcli tool is required. We ported mbimcli and changed its front end to trigger a modem packet-connection sequence via libmbim through the terminal session of the USB modem driver. During this sequence, the SIM card is unlocked through the PIN, the packet service is attached, and connection information (e.g., IP, gateway, DNS server) is retrieved. The connection data is then used by mbimcli to configure the uplink of Genode's NIC router, which in turn makes the network connectivity available to network applications. The holistic view is shown in image 4.
Base framework and OS-level infrastructure
NIC router
The NIC router received two practical features, the consideration of multiple DNS server entries on DHCP and an ARP-less mode for domains.
The latter was motivated by the fresh support for LTE modems (see Section LTE modem stack). An LTE modem normally doesn't respond to ARP. So when using it as uplink for the NIC router, the corresponding domain can't request IP-to-MAC-address resolutions as usual. This is addressed through the new optional attribute use_arp in <domain> tags of the NIC router configuration. By default, it is set to yes, which yields the same behavior as in the past.
However, when set to no for a domain, this domain will prevent sending ARP requests in general. This leaves the question how to determine the destination MAC address for a packet that shall be sent at this domain when only the destination IP address is known. This is solved by the router by simply using the source MAC address also as destination MAC address, an approach that we could observe also in other IP stacks and that worked just fine in our tests. The ARP-less domain mode is demonstrated through the run script repos/os/run/
The consideration of multiple DNS-server entries on DHCP comes in two parts. First, when acting as DHCP client at a domain, the router will now parse all option 6 entries in DHCP ACK replies from the server and memorize them as part of the resulting IP config of the domain. These entries will then also be reported if <report config="yes"/> is set in the router's config. A router report with multiple DNS server entries will look like this:
<state> <domain name="uplink_1" ipv4="" gw=""> <dns ip=""/> <dns ip=""/> <dns ip=""/> ... </domain> <domain name="uplink_2" ipv4="" gw=""> <dns ip=""/> <dns ip=""/> ... </domain> ... </state>
On the other hand, when acting as DHCP server at a domain, one has two options. Option 1 is to configure the DHCP server to fetch DNS server entries automatically from another domain:
<domain name="downlink" interface=""> <dhcp-server dns_server_from="uplink_1" .../> </domain>
In this case, the router will now reflect not only one but all DNS server entries from the source domain ("uplink") through the DHCP replies sent at the destination domain ("downlink") without changing the entry order. This approach is demonstrated through the new repos/os/run/ run script.
Option 2 is to configure the DNS server entries manually at the DHCP server:
<domain name="downlink" interface=""> <dhcp-server ...> <dns-server ip=""/> <dns-server ip=""/> <dns-server ip=""/> </dhcp-server> </domain>
The order of the <dns-server> tags determines the order of option 6 entries in the replies of the DHCP server. Besides its use for static DNS server configurations, this option can also be used for more sophisticated forwarding of DNS server entries through a separate management component. The management component could listen to the reported IP config of the source domains, apply custom policies like address filters to the result, and re-configure the DHCP servers of the destination domains accordingly. This approach is demonstrated in the new repos/os/run/ run script.
Please note that the former dns_server attribute of the <dhcp-server> tag is no longer considered by the router as the new <dns-server> tag replaces it. Thus, you might want to adapt your NIC router scenarios accordingly.
VFS support for named pipes
The VFS-pipe plugin received new support for named pipes. The main motivation was to easily stream data from pure Genode components to libc components via file-system sessions that can be attached to stdin, stdout, and stderr. This feature further makes it possible to chain the data flow between several components together, similarly to how it is done on Unix. Additionally, the thread synchronization has been improved so that large data chunks can be transferred without blocking.
A named pipe can be created by adding a <fifo> sub node to the <pipe> node of the VFS:
<vfs> <pipe> <fifo name="upstream"/> </pipe> ... </vfs>
Each pipe is exposed as a set of pseudo files.
/upstream /.upstream/in/in /.upstream/out/out
The /upstream pseudo file can be opened either as read-only or write-only file. It allows for the access of both ends of the pipe. In contrast, each of the pseudo files /.upstream/in/in and /.upstream/out/out represents only one end of the pipe, which can be subjected to an individual directory-based access-control policy.
Thanks to Sid Hussmann for contributing this valuable feature!
While revising the GUI stack in Genode 20.08, we largely abolished the use of the framebuffer and input session interfaces. The graphical terminal, however, still relied on those interfaces instead of the GUI session. In practice, there was always a gui_fb component needed as an intermediate between the terminal and the GUI server. To complete the GUI-stack transition, we changed the terminal to use the GUI session directly and adjusted all current scenarios that use the terminal.
One useful feature of the gui_fb component was the definition of an initial window size. This enabled packages such as Sculpt's system shell to present terminal windows with a reasonable default size smaller than the entire screen. To accommodate this special case, the initial terminal size can now be explicitly configured in the terminal configuration.
<config> <initial width="800" height="600"/> ... </config>
While we were at it, we also enhanced the terminal with the ability to dynamically respond to font changes. So the adjustment of the global font settings in Sculpt OS takes immediate effect on all terminal windows.
OpenSSL 1.1.1i, curl 7.70.0
OpenSSL experienced some quite important security updates during the last months. This prompted us to update our port to version 1.1.1i. During the porting work, we kept an eye on performance and enabled CPU-specific optimizations where feasible. Optimizations are enabled by default on x86 and ARMv8. For ARMv7, we enable NEON-based functions only when the build SPECS include "neon" to support common SoCs that lack these capabilities in the default configuration. Please note, the updated port does only provide one combined depot archive "openssl" that replaces the former "libcrypto" and "libssl" archives. The libraries are still distinct for compatibility with existing applications and build systems. As a side effect, we also updated the curl library to version 7.70, which is compatible with recent OpenSSL versions.
Thanks to Pirmin Duss for his valuable contribution to this update.
VirtualBox 6.1.14
Genode supports virtualization with VirtualBox since 2014. Back then, we enabled VirtualBox version 4 to support use cases with unmodified Linux and Windows guests like Sculpt's predecessor "Turmvilla". In 2016, we updated VirtualBox to version 5 to enable recent guest OS versions notably Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10. VirtualBox 5 is an integral part of Sculpt OS since its first release.
As VirtualBox 5 is no longer maintained upstream and also shows its age when running recent versions of Windows 10, we accepted the challenge to once again enable a new version of this VMM. This time we did not go for a NOVA-specific port but exclusively use the kernel-agnostic virtualization interfaces introduced in Genode 19.05. This way, VirtualBox 6 is prepared to run on NOVA, seL4, and Fiasco.OC alike with minimal extra efforts.
The first development snapshot we publish with this release is ready to run Linux and Windows guests with limited support for multiple cores, integrates network and USB-passthrough as well as preliminary support for Guest Additions like mouse integration and display. We are committed to finalize the feature set and optimize the performance of VirtualBox 6 until the upcoming Sculpt release but do not plan to replace version 5 completely yet. In fact, the update paves the way to explore more experimental grounds like enablement of GPU-based acceleration of guest OSes.
As a starting point for exploring VirtualBox 6 on Genode, we recommend the run script ports/run/
VirtualBox 5
With this release, we extended our VirtualBox port and made USB pass-through more robust.
So far, we most prominently use VirtualBox on Intel systems that feature VT-x. This release enables support for also running 64bit guests on AMD systems with SVM.
When it comes to USB pass-through support, we rely on the xHCI device-model ported from Qemu. With this release, we updated the 3rd-party sources to version 5.2.0 and the type of the exposed device has changed to QEMU xHCI. Due to this change, older guest OSes - namely Windows 7 - that relied on the NEC xHCI device will no longer work.
Thanks to the update, it becomes possible to use USB devices requiring isochronous transfers, in particular audio devices, with Windows 10 guests. For now we focused on USB-Audio-Class v1 devices using adaptive synchronisation, which enables a variety of popular USB headsets for the passthrough use case.
A glimpse into our USB machinery unveils that fine-tuned buffering and USB transfer configuration is the key to robust USB passthrough. On one hand, the handling of isochronous OUT transfers in our host connection batches multiple packets and queues transfers, which helps to smoothen out playback in case other Genode components utilize the CPU concurrently. On the other hand, the number of IN requests queued is increased but the number of packets per request set to 1. We obtained the best results by following this configuration observed in Linux and Windows guests alike.
VirtIO block devices for virtual machines on ARM
With release 20.02, the first VirtIO device models entered Genode's virtual machine monitor for ARM. They enabled a virtual machine to access network and terminal services. This time, the VMM got extended with a block device model, which again is compliant to the VirtIO 1.1 specification. Moreover, the generic model implementation, which is common to all VirtIO devices, got polished fairly.
The new block device model is not configurable yet. By now, the VMM is hard-coded to provide exactly one block device. Consequently, one route to a Block service needs to be provided to the VMM component.
The execution of the test run-script in repos/os/run/ shows the new VirtIO block device in action.
Device drivers
Power-gating of PCI devices on x86
PCI devices have several PCI capabilities that describe the feature set the device supports, as defined by the PCI specification. The platform driver - which is the gatekeeper of devices on Genode - got extended to power on and power off devices whenever the PCI power capability is supported. When powering on, a device reset is issued if it is supported by the PCI device. During release of a driver from a device, all DMA memory associated to the device is flushed from the IO-MMU TLB to avoid any further access.
Additionally, the platform driver has become able to respond to configuration changes. Special care must be taken if the configuration of a running device driver changes. If the configuration re-evaluation concludes that a driver is no longer permitted to use an already assigned PCI device, the Platform session will be closed forcefully, making the device inaccessible to the driver.
The extended features of the platform driver supplement our previous work of restarting respectively replacing a running graphics driver in Sculpt OS. The driver manager, as used by Sculpt, uses Genode's heartbeat monitoring to check for the liveliness of the Intel framebuffer driver and restarts it automatically if the driver becomes unresponsive. Restarting involves closing the Platform session, thereby powering off the Intel device, and reopening the Platform session, thereby powering and resetting the Intel device into a functional state. This self-healing mechanism can be seen in action in the recording of our FOSDEM talk about pluggable device drivers.
USB drivers
Additional HID devices
It's a sad truth that some popular USB keyboards and mice do not fully comply with the USB HID standard. The Linux kernel comes with dozens of special functions to fix up quirks and enable these devices for Linux systems also. With the current release, we adopt quirk functions for Apple HID devices and mice based on the Holtek chipset (e.g., the Sharkoon Drakonia) that are applied automatically if one of these devices is plugged.
USB robustness
We improved the robustness of the USB HID driver with regard to device reconnection, as well as the robustness of the DWC OTG host driver for the Raspberry Pi when used with HID devices.
Isochronous transfers
While looking more closely into supporting isochronous transfers driven by the USB pass-through use-case, we encountered and addressed shortcomings in the current implementation in the USB host-controller driver when dealing with IN transfers containing multiple isochronous frames. However, this is only a first step as we identified significant potential for optimization and robustness improvements.
Pine-A64-LTS single board computer
Our road map envisions the use of Genode on the PinePhone by the end of the year. As a first stepping stone, the current release adds basic board support for the Pine-A64-LTS single-board computer. We take this line of work as a welcome opportunity to thoroughly document the porting process. You can find the work explained in great detail in the following article series.
The latest state of this line of work is available at a dedicated repository:
- Genode board support for Allwinner SoCs
RISC-V development has been on the hold at Genode Labs for a while. But with the current release this has changed. One of the main goals we had for a long time is the use of Qemu instead of the Spike emulator for our test infrastructure, since every other platform runs on Qemu, Spike causes additional overhead at Genode Labs. By updating the privileged ISA specification support from 1.9.1 to 1.10, we became able to use recent Qemu versions (e.g., 4.2.1). Thanks to this change, we could remove the spike board and add a new riscv_qemu board to our base_hw kernel implementation.
As another nice side effect, Qemu ships its own OpenSBI machine binary, which implements the machine mode and SBI calls. It can be enabled through the "-bios" command line option. With a machine mode for ISA 1.10 in place, we were able to remove the old BBL machine mode implementation from Genode. For more information on this topic please refer to the corresponding Genodians article.
In order to improve development speed, we were able to reduce the link time for core and its debugging variant from about 50 to 5 seconds. Additionally, we fixed long standing link errors that were caused by mixing up soft float and hard float objects as well as misconfigured linker scripts.
Removal of Muen separation kernel support
Since version 15.08, Genode supported the use of the Muen separation kernel as underlying platform. The driving force behind the original development was the joyful collaboration with the Muen developers Adrian-Ken Rueegsegger and Reto Buerki and the prospect for products that combine the rigidity of a separation kernel with the dynamic workloads enabled by Genode.
However, over the past 5 years, this potential synergy remained untapped. In hindsight, the stacking of one microkernel-based system onto another microkernel-based system is a tough sell. Hosting dynamic workloads in a Linux VM atop Muen is certainly more relatable to Muen users. Vice versa, for Genode users, Genode on bare hardware is less complex and more flexible than using the framework atop a separation kernel.
Without adoption of the joint platform, neither of both teams can justify the ongoing effort needed for the continued maintenance of Genode on Muen. Hence, we concluded to remove Muen as an officially supported platform.
Build system and tools
Streamlined distinction of boards by build and run tools
In Genode 20.05, we introduced the principle ability to decouple board-support packages from the project's main repository. We thereby want to enable developers outside the Genode core team to port Genode to diverse hardware platforms. With the current release, we further refined the structure of the code base and the tooling to largely eliminate remaining points of friction when hosting board support in external repositories.
We ultimately removed the use of board-specific SPEC values throughout the build system and run scripts. SPEC values are now solely used to refer to aspects of an instruction-set architecture, e.g., x86, 64bit, or arm_v8a. In run scripts, the new convenience function have_board has become the preferred way to distinguish the behavior of run scripts depending on the targeted board now. It replaces all former uses of have_spec <board>. Moreover, the long deprecated option of the create_builddir tool to create board-specific build directories has been removed.
To simplify the hosting of board support in separate source-code repositories, board-specific properties have moved from run-tool scripts to the new notion of board property directories. Such directories named <repo>/board/<board>/ contain files with board-specific information. In particular, the image_link_address file contains the physical link address of the system image taking the board's physical memory constraints into account, and the arch file contains the CPU architecture of the SoC. The run tool picks up this information from the board-property files.
Furthermore, the packaging of the board-specific base-hw kernel has become more formalized by leveraging the board-property directories. This makes the packaging vastly simpler. Regardless of where the board-support is hosted, the file for a kernel source archive becomes as simple as:
include $(GENODE_DIR)/repos/base-hw/recipes/src/
The board name is automatically inferred from the path of the src recipe. The architecture is determined from board/<name>/arch files. The attempt to build a base-hw-<board> binary archive for the wrong architecture is now gracefully handled by skipping all targets (using the REQUIRES mechanism).
Besides the improved convenience, the resulting depot archives have become much closer tailored to the actual board by omitting files for architectures that are not used by the board. E.g., the src/base-hw-pc archive does not contain any ARM-related content.
Compiler cache
The ccache tool is a fantastic way to accelerate the developer workflow when repeatedly building software. Since ccache is - strictly speaking - orthogonal to the build system, configuring the Genode build system for the use of ccache was left to each developer.
Setting up ccache is not straight-forward though. One must manually create hooks (symlinks shadowing the compiler executables), tweak the PATH environment variable, and customize the CROSS_DEV_PREFIX in etc/tools.conf. In short, only seasoned developers jump through those hoops. Many others may miss out on the joys of ccache.
With the current release, the build-system front end makes ccache easily available by enabling a simple option in the etc/build.conf file:
CCACHE := yes