Release notes for the Genode OS Framework 11.05
With our work on Genode 11.05, we pursued two missions, substantiating the support for the base platforms introduced with the last release, and reconsidering one of the most fundamental aspects of the framework, which is inter-process communication. Besides these two main topics, we enjoyed working on a number of experimental features such as GDB support that will hopefully have far-reaching effects on how our framework is used.
Cross-kernel platform support is certainly one of the most distinctive features that sets Genode apart from other operating-system development kits. With the previous version 10.02, we had proudly announced having bumped the number of supported base platforms to 8 different kernels. Since this release, the two new base platforms received a lot of attention. We not only advanced the support for the Fiasco.OC kernel to catch up featurewise with the other platforms but went on with porting its most prominent application, namely L4Linux, to Genode. L4Linux is a paravirtualized version of the Linux kernel specifically developed to run as user-level application on top of Fiasco.OC. Now L4Linux can be used with Genode on both x86 and ARM. The second addition to the base platforms was our custom kernel implementation for the Xilinx MicroBlaze architecture. For this platform, we have now activated the APIs for creating user-level device drivers, and introduced a reference SoC for executing Genode on the Xilinx Spartan-3A Starter Kit.
Getting inter-process communication right is possibly the most serious concern of microkernel-based operating systems. When Genode was started in 2006, we disregarded the time-tested standard solution of using interface description languages and IDL compilers. Well, we never looked back. Genode devised the use of standard C++ features combined with simple object-oriented design patterns. Even though we regarded our approach as a great leap forward, it had some inherent shortcomings. These were the lack of type safety, the need for manually maintaining communication code, and the manual estimation of communication-buffer sizes. The current release remedies all these shortcomings with a brand new API for implementing procedure calls across process boundaries. This API facilitates type safety and almost eliminates any manual labour needed when implementing remote procedure calls between processes. Yet, the concept still relies only on the C++ compiler with no need for additional tools.
As the Genode developer community grows, we observe the rising need for a solid debugging solution. The new release features our first step towards the use of the GNU debugger within our framework. In addition to the progress on the actual framework, we are steadily seeking ways to make Genode more easily accessible to new developers. We have now added new ready-to-use scripts for building, configuring, and test-driving a number of Genode features including Qt4, lwIP, GDB, and L4Linux.
New API for type-safe inter-process communication
Efficient and easy-to-use inter-process communication (IPC) is crucial for multi-server operating systems because on such systems, almost all of the functionally offered by a traditional monolithic kernel is provided by a crowd of different user-level processes talking to each other. Whereas the L4 line of microkernels took the lead in terms of IPC performance, the development of applications for such platforms and dealing with the kernel mechanisms in particular is not easy. Hence, for most microkernels, there exists tooling support to hide the peculiarities of kernel mechanisms behind higher-level interface description languages (IDL). However, in our past experience, the introduction of an IDL compiler into the tool chain of a multi-server OS did not only bring comfort, but also serious headaches. The two most prominent problems are the unfortunate mixing of abstraction levels and the complexity of the solution.
Even though IDL compilers are a time-tested solution for distributed systems, we argue that applying them to kernel-level systems programming is misguided. On the one hand, IDLs such as CORBA IDL suggest a lot power (e.g., the ability to communicate arbitrarily complex data types), which microkernel-targeting IDL compilers fail to deliver because of kernel interface constraints (e.g., hard limits with regard to message sizes). On the other hand, IDL per se misses expressions and functionality important to OS development such as easy-to-use bindings to a systems programming language, fine-tuned resource allocation, or the transfer of special IPC items. Therefore, most IDL compilers used for microkernels sport various extensions or even do crazy things like retrieving type definitions from C header files.
With the rich feature set demanded by application developers, some IDL compilers have become extremely complex, i.e., comprising more than 60K lines of code. Furthermore, the integration of an IDL compiler into the tool chain implies build-system complexity. Also the stub codes generated by an IDL compiler must be taken into consideration and raise the question of whether they must by regarded as part of the trusted computing base and, therefore, become subject to human review.
For these reasons, Genode dismissed the IDL approach in favor for a raw C++-based alternative, fostering the use of the C++ streaming operators combined with templates. The following paper provides a detailed discussion on the subject:
- A Case Study on the Cost and Benefit of Dynamic RPC Marshalling for Low-Level System Components
SIGOPS OSR Special Issue on Secure Small-Kernel Systems, 2007
In hindsight, leaving behind the IDL approach was the right decision. From a developer's perspective, there is no need to comprehend two levels of abstraction - one systems programming language should be enough. Genode's IPC framework has raw and direct semantics without hidden magic. Still the IPC framework is abstract enough to remain extremely portable. The same API works seamless across 8 different kernels using different flavours of IPC mechanisms.
That said, our solution was never exempt from valid criticism, which we try to remedy with the Genode version 11.05.
State of the art
Genode provides three ways of inter-process communication: signals, shared memory, and synchronous remote procedure calls (RPC). In the following, only remote procedure calls are discussed. An RPC in the context of Genode is a function call to a remote process running on the same machine (contrarily to the term RPC being used in the context of systems distributed over a network).
The state of the art is best explained by the example interface discussed in the Hello Tutorial. On Genode, each RPC interface is represented by an abstract C++ class, enriched by some bits of information shared by the caller and the callee.
class Session { protected: enum Opcode { SAY_HELLO = 23, ADD = 42 }; public: virtual void say_hello() = 0; virtual int add(int a, int b) = 0; };
On the callee side, each function is represented by a number (opcode). To let both caller and callee talk about the same opcodes, the interface class hosts an Opcode enumeration with each value corresponding to one RPC function.
On the callee side, the interface is inherited by a so-called Server class with the purpose of dispatching incoming RPC requests and directing them to the respective server-side implementation of the abstract RPC interface.
struct Session_server : Server_object, Session { int dispatch(int op, Ipc_istream &is, Ipc_ostream &os) { switch(op) { case SAY_HELLO: say_hello(); break; case ADD: { int a = 0, b = 0; is >> a >> b; os << add(a,b); break; } default: return -1; } return 0; } };
The Server class is further inherited by the actual implementation of the callee's functions. By using this class-hierarchy convention, the Server dispatch code can be reused by multiple implementations of the same interface.
The caller-side of the RPC interface is represented by a Client class, implementing the Session interface using Genode's IPC streaming API, namely an Ipc_client object.
class Session_client : public Session { protected: Msgbuf<256> _sndbuf, _rcvbuf; Ipc_client _ipc_client; Lock _lock; public: Session_client(Session_capability cap) : _ipc_client(cap, &_sndbuf, &_rcvbuf) { } void say_hello() { Lock::Guard guard(_lock); _ipc_client << SAY_HELLO << IPC_CALL; } int add(int a, int b) { Lock::Guard guard(_lock); int ret = 0; _ipc_client << ADD << a << b << IPC_CALL >> ret; return ret; } };
Even though this scheme is relatively easy to follow and served us well over the years, it has several drawbacks:
- Consistency between Client and Server stub codes
The developer is responsible to manually maintain the consistency between the Client and Server classes. For the mapping of opcodes to functions, the naming convention of letting the enum names correlate to uppercase function names is just fine. But there is no easy-to-follow convention for function arguments. Care must be taken to let both Client and Server stream the correct argument types in the same order. In practice, maintaining the correlation between Client and Server stub code is not too hard because the stub code is easy to comprehend and to test. However, in some cases, errors slipped in and remained undetected for some time. For example, a client inserting an int value and a server extracting a long value play nicely together as long as they are executed on 32-bit machines. But on 64 bit, the communication breaks down.
- Manual dimensioning of message buffers
The Ipc_client message buffers must be dimensioned correctly. Choosing them too small may lead to corrupted RPC arguments. Too large buffers waste memory. Because arguments are differently sized on different architectures, numerically specified buffer sizes are always wrong. Because expressing the buffer size with a proper accumulation of sizeof() values is awkward to do manually, message buffers tend to get over dimensioned.
- Locking of message buffers
Because one Client object may be concurrently accessed by multiple threads, precautions for thread safety must be taken by protecting the message buffers with lock guards. Of course, the implementation effort is not too high, but a missing lock guard can take hours to spot once a weird race condition occurs.
- Danger of using anonymous enums for defining opcodes
The compiler is free to optimize the size of values of anonymous enums. Small values may be represented as char whereas larger values may use int. On the callee side, the opcode is always extracted into an int variable. Hence, the client must insert an int value as well, which is not guaranteed for anonymous enums. Unfortunately, the Opcode type is never explicitly used, so that a missing type name is not detected at compile time.
- Exception-support possible but labour intensive
Several of Genode's interfaces indicate error conditions via C++ exceptions. The propagation of exceptions via IPC is pretty straight forward. On the callee-side, the dispatch code must catch each exception known to be thrown from the implementation and translate each exception type to a unique return value. If such a return value is received at the caller side, the Client stub code throws the respective exception. Similar to the streaming of function arguments, the corresponding code is easy to craft, yet it must be maintained manually.
Re-approaching the problem using template meta programming
When we introduced Genode's C++-stream-based dynamic RPC marshalling in 2006, we were hinted by Michael Hohmuth to the possibility of automatic generation of the stub code via recursive C++ templates. However, back then, neither Michael nor we had the profound understanding of the programming technique required to put this idea into practice. However, the idea kept spinning in our heads - until today.
Last year, we finally realized a prototype implementation of this idea. To our excitement, we discovered that this technique had the potential to remedy all of the issues pointed out above. With the current release, this powerful technique gets introduced into the Genode API. Because this new API would break compatibility with our existing IPC and client-server APIs, we took the chance to closely examine the use cases of these APIs, and re-consider their feature sets. Our findings are:
The distinction between the IPC API (ipc.h) and the client-server API (server.h) turned out to be slightly over designed. Originally, the IPC API was meant as a mere abstraction to the low-level IPC mechanism of the kernel (sending and receiving messages) whereas the server API adds the object model. However, there is no single use case for the stand-alone use of the IPC API except for a bunch of test cases specifically developed for the IPC API implementations. Furthermore, half of the IPC API namely send-only IPC and wait-only IPC remained unused, and on some base platforms (e.g., NOVA) even unsupported. Consequently, we see potential to simplify the IPC API by sticking to raw function-call semantics.
The use of C++ streams for marshalling/unmarshalling suggests an enormous flexibility. E.g., by overloading the operators for specific types, complex nested data structures could be transferred. However, this never happened - for the good reason that we always strive to keep the RPC interfaces of OS services as simple and straight-forward as possible. If the payload becomes complex, we found that the use of synchronous RPCs should be reconsidered anyway. For such use cases, shared memory is the way to go. On the other hand, the possibility of overloading the stream operators turned out to be extremely useful for handling platform-specific IPC payload, most prominently kernel-protected capabilities on NOVA and Fiasco.OC. So we will stick with the C++-stream based marshalling/unmarshalling.
The inheritance of RPC interfaces is an important feature to support platform-specific extensions to Genode's core services. For example, on Linux, an extension to the Dataspace interface provides additional information about the file that is used as backing store. On OKL4, the extension of core's PD services provides OKL4-specific functions that where added to run OKLinux on Genode. Consequently, the support for interface inheritance is a must.
The typed capabilities introduced with Genode 8.11 formed an inheritance hierarchy independent from the actual interfaces. By convention, typed capabilities were tagged with their corresponding interface classes but their inheritance relationship was explicitly expressed by an additional template argument. For this reason, the definition of each capability type had to be provided via a separate header file (named capability.h) for each interface. It would be much nicer to just use the class relationships between interfaces to infer the corresponding capability-type relationships.
Allowing RPC functions to throw exceptions is crucial. In fact, our goal is to design RPC interfaces in C++ style as far as possible. If throwing an exception fits naturally into the API, the framework should not stand in the way. Consequently, C++ exception support for the RPC framework is a must.
The separation of Server_activation and Server_entrypoint never paid off. The Server_activation represents the thread to be used by a Server_entrypoint. The original design of the NOVA hypervisor envisioned the use of multiple "worker" activations to serve one entry point. Our API tried to anticipate this kernel feature. In the meanwhile, two reasons are speaking against this idea. No other kernel supports such a feature, so using the feature by an application would spoil it's inter-kernel portability. Second, even the NOVA developers disregarded this feature at a later development stage. In summary, merging both Server_activation and Server_entrypoint looks like a good idea to simplify Genode's API.
Even though the revised RPC API promised to be a vast improvement over the original IPC and client-server APIs, the risks of such a huge overhaul must be considered as well. We are aware of developers with reservations about the use of C++ template meta programming. It seems to be common sense that this technique is some kind of witch craft, the code tends to be ugly, the compiler takes ages to cut its teeth through the recursive templates, and the resulting binaries become bloated and large. If any of these arguments had held true, we would not have introduced this technique into Genode. Admittedly, the syntax of template meta code is not always easy to comprehend but we believe that elaborative comments in the code make even these parts approachable.
Introduction of the new API
The new RPC API completely replaces the formerly known IPC (base/ipc.h) and client-server (base/server.h) APIs. It consists of the following header files:
- base/rpc.h
Contains the basic type definitions and utility macros to declare RPC interfaces. It does not depend on any other Genode API except for the meta-programming utilities provided by util/meta.h. Therefore, base/rpc.h does not pollute the namespace of the place where it is included.
- base/rpc_args.h
Contains definitions of non-trivial argument types used for transferring strings and binary buffers. Its use by a RPC interface is entirely optional.
- base/rpc_server.h
Contains the interfaces of the server-side RPC API. This part of the API consists of the Rpc_object class template and the Rpc_entrypoint class. It entirely replaces the original base/server.h API (Rpc_object corresponds to the original Server_object, Rpc_entrypoint corresponds to the original Server_activation and Server_entrypoint classes.
- base/rpc_client.h
Contains the API support for invoking RPC functions. It is complemented by the definitions in base/capability.h. The most significant elements of the client-side RPC API are the Capability class template and Rpc_client, which is a convenience wrapper around Capability.
That sounds simple enough. Let's see how to use this API for the example of Section State of the art.
The RPC interface is still an abstract C++ interface, supplemented by some bits of RPC-relevant information.
#include <base/rpc.h> struct Session { virtual void say_hello() = 0; virtual int add(int a, int b) = 0; GENODE_RPC(Rpc_say_hello, void, say_hello); GENODE_RPC(Rpc_add, int, add, int, int); GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE(Rpc_say_hello, Rpc_add); };
Note that the Opcode enum is gone. Instead there is an RPC interface declaration using the GENODE_RPC and GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE macros. These macros are defined in base/rpc.h and have the purpose to enrich the interface with type information. They are only used at compile time and have no effect on the run time or the size of the interface class. Each RPC function is represented as a type. In this example, the type meta data of the say_hello function is attached to the Rpc_say_hello type within the scope of Session. The macro arguments are:
GENODE_RPC(func_type, ret_type, func_name, arg_type ...)
The func_type argument is an arbitrary type name (except for the type name Rpc_functions) used to refer to the RPC function, ret_type is the return type or void, func_name is the name of the server-side function that implements the RPC function, and the list of arg_type arguments comprises the RPC function argument types. The GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE macro defines a type called Rpc_functions that contains the list of the RPC functions provided by the RPC interface.
On the server side, the need for the Server class has vanished. Instead, the server-side implementation inherits Rpc_object with the interface type as arguments.
#include <base/rpc_server.h> struct Component : Rpc_object<Session> { void say_hello() { ... } int add(int a, int b) { ... } };
The RPC dispatching is done by the Rpc_object class template, according to the type information that comes with the Session interface.
On the client-side, there is still a <interface>/client.h file, but it has become significantly shorter.
#include <base/rpc_client.h> struct Session_client : Rpc_client<Session> { Session_client(Capability<Session> cap) : Rpc_client<Session>(cap) { } void say_hello() { call<Rpc_say_hello>(); } int add(int a, int b) { return call<Rpc_add>(a, b); } };
There are a few notable things. First, Capability is now a template class taking the interface type as argument. So in principle, there is no more a pressing need to explicitly define a dedicated capability type for each interface. Second, the message buffer declarations are gone. Message buffers are dimensioned automatically at compile time. Third, there is no manual application of the C++ stream operator. Instead, the call function template performs the correct marshalling and unmarshalling in a type-safe manner. Type conversion rules correspond to the normal C++ type-conversion rules. So you can actually pass a char value to a function taking an int value. If there is no valid type conversion or the number of arguments is wrong, the error gets detected at compile time. Finally, there no more any need for locking message buffers. Very similar to the way, plain function calls work, the call mechanism allocates a correctly dimensioned message buffer on the stack of the caller. The message buffer is like a call frame. By definition, a call frame cannot be used by multiple thready concurrently because each thread has its own stack.
Transferable argument types
The arguments specified to GENODE_RPC behave mostly as expected by a normal function call. But there are some notable differences to keep in mind:
- Value types
Value types are supported for basic types and plain-old-data types (self-sufficient structs or classes). The object data is transferred as such. If the type is not self sufficient (it contains pointers or references), the pointers and references are transferred as plain data, most certainly pointing to the wrong thing in the callee's address space.
- Const references
Const references behave like value types. The referenced object is transferred to the server and a reference to the server-local copy is passed to the server-side function. Note that in contrast to a normal function call taking a reference argument, the size of the referenced object is accounted for allocating the message buffer on the client side.
- Non-const references
Non-const references are handled similar to const references. In addition the server-local copy gets transferred back to the caller so that server-side modifications of the object become visible to the client.
- Capabilities
Capabilities can be transfered as values, const references, or non-const references.
- Variable-length buffers
There exists special support for passing binary buffers to RPC functions using the Rpc_in_buffer class template provided by base/rpc_args.h. The maximum size of the buffer must be specified as template argument. An Rpc_in_buffer object does not contain a copy of the data passed to the constructor, only a pointer to the data. In contrast to a fix-sized object containing a copy of the payload, the RPC framework does not transfer the whole object but only the actually used payload.
- Pointers
Pointers and const pointers are handled similar to references. The pointed-to argument gets transferred and the server-side function is called with a pointer to the local copy. Note that the semantics of specifying pointers as arguments for RPC interface functions is not finalized. We may decide to remove the support for pointers to avoid misconceptions about them (i.e., expecting char const * to be handled as a null-terminated string, or expecting pointers to be transferred as raw bits).
All types specified at RPC arguments or as return value must have a default constructor.
By default, all RPC arguments are input arguments, which get transferred to the server. The return type of the RPC function, if present, is an output-only value. To avoid a reference argument from acting as both input- and output argument, a const reference should be used. Some interfaces may prefer to handle certain reference arguments as output-only, e.g., to query multiple state variables from a server. In this case, the RPC direction can be defined specifically for the type in question by providing a custom type trait specialization for Trait::Rpc_direction (see base/rpc.h).
Supporting advanced RPC use cases
Two advanced use cases are important to mention, throwing exceptions across RPC boundaries and interface inheritance.
- C++ exceptions
The propagation of C++ exceptions from the server to the client is supported by a special variant of the GENODE_RPC macro:
GENODE_RPC_THROW(func_type, ret_type, func_name, exc_type_list, arg_type ...)
This macro features the additional exc_type_list argument, which is a type list of exception types. To see this feature at work, please refer to Genode's base interfaces such as parent/parent.h. Exception objects are not transferred as payload - just the information that the specific exception was raised. Hence, information provided with the thrown object will be lost when crossing an RPC boundary.
- Interface inheritance
The inheritance of RPC interfaces comes down to a concatenation of the Rpc_functions type lists of both the base interface and the derived interface. This use case is supported by a special version of the GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE macro:
GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE_INHERIT(base_interface, rpc_func ...)
The base_interface argument is the type of the inherited interface. For an example, please refer to linux_dataspace/linux_dataspace.h as contained in the base-linux repository.
- Casting capability types
For typed capabilities, the same type conversion rules apply as for pointers. In fact, a typed capability pretty much resembles a typed pointer, pointing to a remote object. Hence, assigning a specialized capability (e.g., Capability<Input::Session>) to a base-typed capability (e.g., Capability<Session>) is always valid. For the opposite case, a static cast is needed. For capabilities, this cast is supported by
In rare circumstances, mostly in platform-specific base code, a reinterpret cast for capabilities is required. It allows to convert any capability to another type:
- Non-virtual interface functions
It is possible to declare RPC functions using GENODE_RPC, which do not exist as virtual functions in the interface class. In this case, the function name specified as third argument to GENODE_RPC is of course not valid for the interface class but an alternative class can be specified as second argument to Rpc_object. This way, a server-side implementation may specify its own class to direct the RPC function to a local (possibly non-virtual) implementation. This feature is used to allow the RPC function to have a slightly different semantic as the actual C++ interface function. For example, an interface may contain a function taking a char const * as argument and expecting a null-terminated string. When specifying this type as GENODE_RPC argument, the RPC framework will not know about the implied string semantics and just transfer a single character. In this case, the GENODE_RPC function may use a Rpc_in_buffer (defined in rpc_args.h) instead and refer to a differently named server-side function (e.g., using a _ prefix). On the server side, the Rpc_in_buffer argument can then be converted to the function interface expected by the real server function.
Typed capabilities, typed root interfaces
The consistent use of typing Rpc_object, Capability, and Rpc_client with interface type has paved the way to further type-safety goodness. Since there now is a 1:1 relationship between each Rpc_object type and a Capability type, the Rpc_entrypoint has become able to propagate this type information through the manage function. A capability returned by manage is now guaranteed to refer to the same interface as the Rpc_object argument. If such a capability is transferred as argument of an RPC function through the new type-safe argument marshalling, the receiver will obtain the correct capability type. The only current exception is the handling of session capabilities transferred through the parent interface. But also this use case greatly benefits from the now type-enriched capabilities.
For the propagation of session capabilities, there are two transitions visible to the application developer: The way a service is announced at the parent and the way a session is requested from the parent. For announcing a service, the parent's announce function is used, which takes the service name and a root capability as argument.
env()->parent()->announce(Hello::Session::service_name(), Root_capability(ep.manage(&root)));
With Genode 11.05, is has become possible to tag Root interfaces with their respective session types using the Typed_root template defined in root/root.h. By combining typed capabilities with typed root interfaces, the Parent class has become able to provide a simplified announce function, taking only a root capability as argument and inferring the other information needed:
This way, the type of the root interface gets propagated through the manage function right into the Parent interface.
The request of sessions from the parent is almost exclusively performed by so-called Connection objects, which are already typed in the original API.
Migration path
The new RPC API is the most fundamental API change in Genode's history. In such a case, breaking API compatibility is inevitable. The question is how to make the migration path to the new API as smooth as possible. We are confident to have found a pretty good answer to this question.
Immediate incompatibilities
For the time being, the new API complements the existing API so that code relying on the IPC and client-server APIs will largely continue to work until the old APIs will be removed with the Genode version 11.08. So the immediate incompatibilities come down to the following:
Capability has become a template. The original untyped Capability class interface is available as Untyped_capability. Within the base-<platform> repositories, the content of base/capability.h moved over to base/native_types.h and is now called Native_capability. Untyped_capability and Native_capability are equivalent. The latter type is meant to be used in low-level code that interacts with the platform-specific capability members. In contrast, Untyped_capability is used in places where the type of the capability can be left unspecified. Both types are rare in Genode's API and their use in application code is discouraged. For now, the old Typed_capability is equivalent to the new Capability.
To implement the strict consistency between interface hierarchies and capability hierarchies, all session interfaces must be derived from Genode::Session defined in session/session.h. Only by adhering to this rule, Capability<Your_session> can be converted to Capability<Session>.
To make the transition to the API as seamless as possible, the new API reuses (inherits) parts of the original interfaces. E.g., Rpc_entrypoint has Server_entrypoint as base class. Also, the original Server_entrypoint can deal with typed capabilities.
Transition steps
The steps required for the transition to the new API are almost contained in the RPC interface's include/<interface> directory.
- Modifications in <interface>/<interface>.h
Include the header base/rpc.h. For a session interface, include the header session/session.h instead.
Remove the opcode definition.
Add the GENODE_RPC and GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE declarations to the interface class.
- Modifications in <interface>/client.h>
Include the header <rpc_client.h>, remove the headers base/lock.h, base/ipc.h.
Remove the member variables (message buffer, lock, ipc-client object). Now that there are no longer any private members, you may decide to turn the class into a struct.
Inherit the client class from Rpc_client<INTERFACE>
Pass Capability<INTERFACE> to the constructor of Rpc_client<INTERFACE>.
Replace the content of each interface function with call<RPC_FUNC>(args...).
- Modifications in <interface>/server.h>
In most cases, this file can be deleted.
- Modifications in the implementation
Replace base class <INTERFACE>_server by base class Rpc_object<INTERFACE>.
Because the abstract C++ interface of the RPC interface has not changed, client code does not require any changes.
Migration of Genode's interfaces
Our original plan envisioned the migration of all of the base repositories to the new RPC API, and thereby test the concept with many representative use cases including the application of advanced features outlined above. To our delight, the transition to the new API went far more smoothly than anticipated, motivating us to look at the os interfaces as well - with great success. The following interfaces have been converted to use the new API: Cap_session, Cpu_session, Foc_cpu_session, Dataspace, Linux_dataspace, Io_mem_session, Io_port_session, Irq_session, Log_session, Parent, Pd_session, Okl4_pd_session, Foc_pd_session, Ram_session, Rm_session, Rom_session, Root, Session, Signal_session, Framebuffer_session, Input_session, Loader_session, Nitpicker_session, Nitpicker_view, Pci_device, Pci_session, Timer_session, and Noux_session. Additionally, several process-local RPC interfaces (e.g., in core, timer, nitpicker) have been converted. Each of those interfaces worked instantly after modification and fixing eventual compile errors. This overly positive experience greatly supports our confidence in the new technique. Our goal was to not change the original C++ interfaces. For this reason, some interfaces still rely on server-side wrappers of the Rpc_object class template. Those wrappers are called <interface>/rpc_object.h. With the next release, we are going to remove them altogether. The only interfaces not yet migrated are the users of Genode's packet stream interface such as Nic_session, Audio_out_session, and Block_session. The conversion of those is subject to the next release.
The maximum number of RPC function arguments is limited to 7. If your function requires more arguments, you may consider grouping some of them in a compound struct.
The maximum number of RPC functions per interface supported by the GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE macro is limited to 9. In contrast to the limitation of the number of function arguments, this limitation is unfortunate. Even in core's base services, there is an interface (cpu_session.h) exceeding this limit. However, in cases like this, the limitation can be worked-around by manually constructing the type list of RPC functions instead of using the convenience macro:
typedef Meta::Type_tuple<Rpc_create_thread, Meta::Type_tuple<Rpc_kill_thread, Meta::Empty> > Rpc_functions;
Both limitations exist because C++ does not support templates with variable numbers of arguments. Our type-list implementation employed by the GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE macro always takes a fixed number of arguments but allows defaults for all of them. So the maximum number of arguments is constrained. In C++0x, type lists are better supported, which will possibly remove these limits and simplify the template code.
L4Linux is a user-level variant of the Linux kernel that can be executed as plain user-level program on the Fiasco.OC microkernel combined with the L4Re userland. The L4Linux kernel uses a paravirtualization technique and provides binary compatibility with the Linux kernel. Since 1997, L4Linux is developed and maintained by the OS Group at the University of Technology Dresden. Thanks to the timely tracking of the upstream Linux kernel by L4Linux main developer Adam Lackorzynski, the L4Linux kernel is particularly valued for being up to date with the current version of the Linux kernel. As of today, L4Linux corresponds to the kernel version 2.6.38.
L4Linux is often regarded as one of the prime features of the Fiasco.OC platform. Since Genode started to support Fiasco.OC with the previous release, we desired to bring this virtualization solution to Genode running on this kernel. Our L4Linux port is contained in the new ports-foc repository. Details about building and running L4Linux on Genode can be found in the top-level README file within this repository.
To keep our changes to L4Linux as minimal as possible, most parts of our port come in the form of a library, which emulates the subset of the L4Re userland semantics expected by L4Linux. This library can be found at ports-foc/src/lib/l4lx. At the current stage, the kernel command line is defined at startup.c. The L4Re emulation approach turned out to be very efficient with regard to the preservation of original L4Linux code. Excluding the Genode-specific stub drivers for input and framebuffer, our patch (ports-foc/patches/l4lx_genode.patch) consists of merely 650 lines.
Base framework
New support for template meta programming
As part of the work on the new RPC framework, several utilities for template meta programming have been created. These utilities are available at base/include/util/meta.h. Currently, this header file comprises the following functionality:
Type traits for querying reference types, non-reference types, and stripping constness from types
Class templates for constructing type lists, namely Type_tuple and Type_list
Template meta functions for working with type lists, e.g., Length, Index_of, Append, Type_at
N-Tuples aggregating members (both reference and plain-old-data members) specified via a type list, called Ref_tuple_N and Pod_tuple_N
Helper function templates for calling member functions using arguments supplied in a N-tuple structure
A helper for the partial specialization of member function templates, called Overload_selector
To differentiate the meta-programming code from normal Genode APIs, all utilities of util/meta.h reside in a nested Meta name space.
Thread state querying
As a prerequisite for realizing our GDB monitor experiment described in Section GDB monitor experiment, we implemented the Cpu_session::state() function for OKL4, L4ka::Pistachio, and Fiasco.OC. Furthermore, the CPU session interface have been extended with the functions pause and resume, which allow to halt and resume the execution of threads created via the CPU session. The pause and resume functions are implemented for OKL4 only.
We generalized the former architecture-specific touch functions for accessing memory (ro or rw). The new version is available at base/include/util/touch.h.
The constructor interfaces of the Process and Child classes have changed to accommodate the RM session capability for the new process as an argument. Originally, the RM session was magically created by the Process class by acquiring a new RM session from env()->parent(). With the new interface, a parent that needs to virtualize the RM session of its child can supply a custom RM-session capability.
Operating-system services and libraries
Dynamic linker
To support dynamic linking on all platforms including Fiasco.OC, we revisited our dynamic loader and changed its mode of operation. In the past, the dynamic loader was a statically linked program executed by the process library if a dynamic binary was supplied as Process argument. Because, the dynamic loader is a normal Genode process, it initialized its Genode environment on startup, and requested the dynamic binary as well as the required shared libraries from its parent via ROM sessions. Finally, the dynamic linker called the startup code of the dynamically linked program. This program, in turn, initialized again an environment. Consequently, dynamically linked programs used to employ two Genode::env() environments, each backed with the same RAM, RM, and CPU sessions. On most platforms this slightly schizophrenic nature of dynamically linked programs worked without problems.
However, things became tricky on Fiasco.OC because on this kernel, the environment contains parts that must be instantiated only once, namely the allocator for kernel-capability selectors. Therefore, a way was desired to remove the duplicated Genode environment. The solution is a scheme as used on Linux. The dynamic linker is both, a shared library and a program. It contains a single instance of the Genode environment. Each dynamic binary is linked against the dynamic linker but not against the Genode base libraries that normally provide the Genode environment. Now, each time the Genode environment is referenced either by the dynamically linked program or another library, the dynamic linker resolves the reference by returning its own symbols.
This architectural change is pretty far reaching and changes the way the dynamic linker is handled by the build system and at runtime. The user-visible changes are the following:
The dynamic linker is not anymore a separate target. So the original location at os/src/ldso is no more.
The new dynamic linker is called and resides in os/lib/ldso.
To ensure that the dynamic linker gets built before linking any dynamic binary, each shared library is implicitly made dependent on The build system takes care of that during the build process. But it is important to know that the must also be provided as boot module.
All programs that potentially create child processes must query the dynamic linker with the new name instead of ldso.
The new dynamic linker has been tested on OKL4 (both x86 and ARM), L4ka::Pistachio, Linux (both x86_32 and x86_64), Codezero, NOVA, Fiasco.OC (x86_32, x86_64, and ARM), and L4/Fiasco.
Utilities for implementing device drivers
As the arsenal of native Genode device drivers grows, we observe code patterns that are repeatedly used. To foster code reuse and minimize duplicated code, we introduce the following new utilities and skeletons to the os repository:
- os/attached_io_mem_dataspace.h
is a memory-mapped I/O dataspace that is ready to use immediately after construction. This class wraps the creation of an IO_MEM connection, the request of the IO_MEM session's dataspace, and the attachment of the dataspace to the local address space. Even more important, this class takes care of releasing these resources at destruction time.
- os/attached_ram_dataspace.h
was formerly known as os/ram_dataspace.h works analogously to os/attached_io_mem_dataspace.h, but for RAM dataspaces. This is very handy for allocating DMA buffers.
- os/irq_activation.h
contains a code pattern found in almost each device driver that handles interrupts. An Irq_activation is a thread that is associated with the IRQ specified as constructor argument. Each time, an IRQ occurs, a callback handle_irq is executed. Hence, a device driver implementing the callback interface, can easily be connected to an IRQ.
- nic/driver.h
contains a set of interfaces to be used for implementing network device drivers. The interfaces are designed in a way that enables the strict separation of device-specific code and Genode-specific code. Note that the interfaces are not yet finalized and lack some functions, in particular those related to resource accounting.
- nic/component.h
contains ready-to-use glue code for integrating a network device driver into Genode. The code takes care about implementing the Nic::Session_component and Nic::Root, parses session arguments and sets up the packet stream between the client and the device driver. Note that this code is still in flux and not yet optimized. Currently, only the new lan9118 driver makes use of nic/component.h but we are planning to move all other Nic session implementations over to this skeleton.
Device drivers
Because of the growing number of platforms and devices supported by Genode, we improved the consistent use of the Genode build specs mechanism. Each device driver does now depend on a dedicated spec value, which can selectively be enabled by each platform as needed. For example, the PCI driver does now depend on the pci spec value. This value is present in the build SPECS of the various microkernels running on x86 hardware but not on the Linux base platform or ARM platforms.
New and improved device drivers are:
- PL110 display controller
The framebuffer driver for the PL110 display controller has been moved from os/src/platform/versatilepb to os/src/drivers/framebuffer/pl110. The PL110 driver depends on the build spec pl110.
- Lan9118 network interface
The new NIC driver for Lan9118 is located at os/src/drivers/nic/lan9118/. This driver is built as nic_drv when the build specs contain the lan9118 value. This is the case for the fiasco_pbxa9 platform. The driver is known to work on Qemu, yet untested on real hardware.
- PL180 MMC and SDcard
The new block driver for the PL180 MMC and SDcard is located at os/src/drivers/sdcard/. It depends on the build specs value pl180. At the current stage, the driver contains the low-level code for the device access but lacks the interfacing to Genode's Block_session interface.
- PL050 PS/2 input
The interrupt handling of the PL050 driver has been improved, IRQs are enabled only once, the IRQ pending bits are used to check for availability of PS/2 packets. The PL050 driver depends on the build spec value pl050.
- VESA framebuffer
The VESA driver has become functional on the x86_64 platform. It depends on the build spec value vesa.
Libraries and applications
Ready-to-use run scripts for standard scenarios
On our mailing list, questions about using certain Genode components of various base platforms, pop up at a regular basis. For example, how to use the lwIP stack on a specific kernel. The answer to these kind of question depends on several properties such as the used hardware platform or, when using Qemu, the Qemu arguments. To make the exploration of various Genode features more attractive, we have added the following run scripts that exercise the use cases and document the steps required to build, configure, and integrate the respective feature:
- os/run/
builds and executes Genode's default demo scenario. It should run out of the box from a fresh build directory.
- libports/run/
runs the lwip_httpsrv example on Qemu, downloads a website from the HTTP server, and validates the response. Make sure to have the libc and libports repositories enabled in your build.conf. The libports repository must be prepared for lwip (make prepare PKG=lwip). Furthermore, you will need a network driver (nic_drv) as provided by the linux_drivers repository.
- ports/run/
runs a test program as child of the new GDB monitor, executed in Qemu. It then attaches a GDB session to the GDB monitor, allowing the user to inspect the test program. In addition to the repositories used by, this run script further depends on the gdb package provided by the ports repository.
- qt4/run/
runs the qt_launchpad application, which allows the user to manually start the Qt4 textedit program. Of course, the run script depends on a prepared qt4 repository. Furthermore, Qt4 depends on the libraries zlib, libpng, and freetype provided by the libports repository.
- ports/run/
compiles the GNU coreutils and wraps them into a tar archive. It then runs the Noux environment with the tar archive as file system and instructs Noux to execute the ls -Rla command. The run script depends on the libc, and ports repositories. The ports repository must be prepared for the coreutils package.
- ports-okl4/run/
starts the OKLinux kernel on top of OKL4. This run script must be slightly adapted to use a custom disk image. By default, it expects a disk image called tinycore.img and an initrd called initrd.gz in the <build-dir>/bin/ directory.
- ports-foc/run/
starts the L4Linux kernel on top of Fiasco.OC.
GDB monitor experiment
Because there are repeated requests for a debugging solution for Genode programs, we started exploring the use of GNU debugger (GDB) with Genode. The approach is to run the program to debug (target) as a child process of a so-called GDB monitor process. The GDB monitor allows the observation and manipulation of the target program via a remote GDB TCP/IP connection. Our immediate goal was to examine the mode of interaction between the GDB monitor and GDB, and to determine the set of requirements a base platform must deliver to make debugging possible.
The experiment was first conducted on OKL4 because this kernel provides an easy access to register states of any thread using exregs. Furthermore, in contrast to most of the other base platforms, OKL4 features a way to suspend and resume threads. Once, this initial goal was reached, we enabled parts of the debugging facilities for other base platforms, namely L4/Fiasco, L4ka::Pistachio, and Fiasco.OC.
- Usage
To illustrate the use of GDB monitor, a ready-to-use run script is provided at ports/run/gdb_monitor. This run script executes a simple test program within the GDB monitor. Once the program is running, a host GDB is started in a new terminal window and connects to the target running inside Qemu. In the run script, you will recognise the following things:
A NIC driver must be built and started. Please make sure to have a repository with a nic_drv target enabled. E.g., on x86 platforms, you may use the linux_drivers repository.
The GDB monitor reads the name of the target program from its Genode config:
<config> <target name="..."/> </config>
To connect a host GDB to the remote target running in Qemu, use the following GDB command:
target remote localhost:8181
- Current state, limitations
First, it is important to highlight that the GDB monitor is an experiment and not ready for real-world use. It has been tested on Fiasco.OC, L4/Fiasco, OKL4, and L4ka::Pistachio on the x86_32 architecture. On these platforms, GDB monitor can be used to examine the memory in the target program. However, only on OKL4, the threads in the target program are halted. The observed memory state may appear inconsistent on the other platforms. On all platforms, the current stack pointer and program counter values can be inspected. On OKL4, a backtrace can be printed. The running threads in the target program can be listed (info threads), selected (thread N), and examined. Advanced debugging features such as breakpoints and watchpoints as well as the access to general-purpose registers are not implemented.
Platform support
With the previous Genode version 11.02, Fiasco.OC was introduced as new base platform. The initial support contained all functionality needed to execute the graphical Genode demo scenario on this kernel. However, some pieces needed for more complex scenarios were missing, most importantly support for the dynamic linker and the signalling framework. The dynamic linker is a prerequisite for using the C runtime and all dependent libraries such as lwIP and Qt4. The signalling framework is used by Genode's packet stream interface, which in turn, is the basis for the Nic, Block, and Audio_out interfaces.
The current release brings the Fiasco.OC base platform on par with the other fully-supported platforms so that the complete Genode software stack becomes available on this kernel.
Furthermore, we started to take advantage of Fiasco.OC's exceptional platform support by enabling the use of the x86_64 architecture as well as the ARM RealView PBX-A9 platform. For the latter platform, though, some parts of Genode such as Qt4 and Noux are not yet available. To make the ARM RealView PBX-A9 platform usable, we introduced a number of new device drivers such as the PL050 input driver, Lan9118 network driver, and PL110 display driver. Using these drivers, most of Genode's components including networking and graphics are ready to use on the PBX-A9 platform. It should be noted, however, that the device drivers have been developed and tested on Qemu only. They are untested on real hardware. Their main purpose for now is to showcase how to create Genode drivers for different device classes.
- Improved integration of 3rd-party kernel sources with Genode
In the spirit of other repositories that incorporate 3rd-party code, the base-foc repository comes with a new top-level Makefile that takes care of downloading all the pieces needed for deploying Genode on Fiasco.OC. All that's needed is issuing make prepare from within the base-foc repository. When using this way of incorporating Fiasco.OC, the kernel can be built right from the Genode build directory as created with the build-directory creation tool at tool/builddir/create_builddir:
make kernel
The kernel will be configured and built according to the platform as specified to the create_builddir tool. The kernel's build directory can be found at the <genode-build-dir>/kernel/fiasco.oc/.
The kernel is accompanied by two user-level components, namely sigma0 and bootstrap. Those components can be built in a similar fashion:
make sigma0 make bootstrap
For building sigma0 and bootstrap, the Genode build system invokes the L4Re build system. The corresponding L4Re build directory can be found at <genode-build-dir>/l4/. The kernel interfaces of Fiasco.OC as used by Genode are installed to <genode-build-dir>/include/.
Alternatively to using the new way of integrating Fiasco.OC with Genode, the location of the kernel binary and a custom L4Re build directory can be explicitly specified in a file called <genode-build-dir>/etc/foc.conf:
L4_BUILD_DIR = <abs-path-to-l4re-build-dir> KERNEL = <abs-path-to-fiasco-kernel>
With the new integration approach, the make targets clean and cleanall are no longer synonymous. The clean target removes all Genode-specific files from the build directory but keeps the Fiasco.OC and L4Re build directories. In contrast, the cleanall rule wipes everything.
- Small changes to base-foc
Core does now export Fiasco.OC's kernel info page (KIP) as ROM module.
The thread library takes advantage of the user-defined part of the UTCB to store the pointer to the Thread_base object instead of using the stack pointer as a key.
Fiasco.OC's VCPU feature has been made accessible via an Fiasco.OC-specific extension of core's PD and CPU session interfaces. The only user of these extension as of today is L4Linux.
Improved IRQ support for level triggered interrupts, increasing the maximum number of supported interrupts to 256.
Our custom kernel platform for the Xilinx MicroBlaze softcore CPU, which we introduced with Genode 11.02, has been complemented with the core interfaces needed for the implementation of user-level device drivers. Those interfaces are the IRQ service and the IO_MEM service.
IRQ support
To accommodate core's IRQ service, the interface between the kernel-level and user-level parts of core had to be extended with syscalls for managing and handling interrupts. These syscalls are exclusively used by the interrupt threads of core's IRQ services. They are not accessible from other user-level programs.
- irq_allocate(irq_number)
associates the specified IRQ to the calling core thread. One thread may associate itself with multiple IRQs by consecutive calls of this syscall. However, the current implementation of core's IRQ service employs one core thread per IRQ.
- irq_free(irq_number)
reverts the effect of irq_allocate.
- irq_wait()
lets the calling thread block for any of the IRQs it is associated with. When unblocked, the calling thread receives the information about the occurred IRQ in its user-level thread-control block (UTCB).
Run environment, SoC for S3A Starter Kit
The initial version of the base-mb platform was tied to a fixed work flow, executing a predefined Genode scenario on Qemu. With the current release, the build-system integration advanced towards the versatile usage pattern as found on the other base platforms.
The improved run environment supports the inclusion of arbitrary boot modules into core's ROM service. The underlying mechanism has not changed though. The ROM modules are aggregated via an assembly file called boot_modules.s using the incbin directive. Because this file gets linked to core, core can be booted as single-image on a target.
In addition of using the MicroBlaze variant of Qemu to execute Genode, support has been added use different targets. As a reference, a ready-to-use SoC system.bit file is provided for the Xilinx Spartan3A Starter Kit board.
You can get further inspiration to explore the base-mb platform by studying the new documentation to be found at base-mb/doc/.
Build system and tools
Genode does currently support 8 different kernel platforms. For each kernel, different steps are required to download and install the kernel and to supply the kernel headers to the Genode build system. Furthermore, the ways of how the result of the Genode build process has to be integrated with the boot mechanism of respective kernel differs a lot.
Hence, for each base platform, there exists a dedicated Wiki page describing the manual steps to follow. In the case of Fiasco.OC, these steps are particularly elaborative, making the use of this platform with Genode less approachable than most of the others.
- New work flow for integrating 3rd-party kernel code
To make the head start of using Fiasco.OC as simple as possible, we explored a new way to integrate the 3rd-party kernel code with Genode. Similar to the make prepare mechanism that we already use for the qt4, ports, and libports repositories, we have added a top-level Makefile to base-foc that automates the preparation of all the 3rd-party code needed to use Genode with the base platform. In the case of Fiasco.OC, this is the kernel code plus some bits of the L4Re userland, namely sigma0, bootstrap, and l4sys. This preparation mechanism is complemented by platform-specific pseudo targets that enable the building of the 3rd-party code right from Genode's build directory. To support this methodology, we added a hook into the Genode build system, allowing a platform-specific initialization of the Genode build directory. E.g., for creating symbolic links to kernel headers. These initial steps are executed by a pseudo library called This library is guaranteed to be built prior all other libraries and targets. The new level of integration greatly simplifies the use of Genode on Fiasco.OC. Hence, we are eager to apply the same idea to the other base platforms as well.
- New naming scheme for platform-specific ports repositories
The oklinux repository is now called ports-okl4. Thereby, we want to facilitate a unified naming scheme for platform-specific 3rd party software. E.g., the port of L4Linux resides in the new ports-foc repository because it is specific for the Fiasco.OC base platform.
- New convenience functions for run scripts
To ease the creation of run scripts that are usable across different kernel and hardware platforms, we have added new convenience functions to the run tool. The functions append_if and lappend_if are intended to be used in combination with the have_spec function to allow the easy extension of the Genode config, Qemu parameters, and the list of boot modules driven by SPECS values. For a showcase, please refer to the new os/run/ script.