Conventions for the Genode development


We use the GOSH syntax for documentation and README files.

README files

Each directory should contain a file called README that briefly explains what the directory is about. In doc/Makefile is a rule for generating a directory overview from the README files automatically.

You can structure your README file by using the GOSH style for subsections:


Do not use chapters or sections in your README files.


All normal filenames are lowercase. Filenames should be chosen to be expressive. Someone who explores your files for the first time might not understand what means but would ring a bell. If a filename contains multiple words, use the _ to separate them (instead of miscmath.h, use misc_math.h).

Coding style

A common coding style helps a lot to ease collaboration. The official coding style of the Genode base components is described in doc/coding_style.txt. If you consider working closely together with the Genode main developers, your adherence to this style is greatly appreciated.

Include files and RPC interfaces

Never place include files directly into the <repository>/include/ directory but use a meaningful subdirectory that corresponds to the component that provides the interfaces.

Each RPC interface is represented by a separate include subdirectory. For an example, see base/include/ram_session/. The header file that defines the RPC function interface has the same base name as the directory. The RPC stubs are called client.h and server.h. If your interface uses a custom capability type, it is defined in capability.h. Furthermore, if your interface is a session interface of a service, it is good practice to provide a connection class in a connection.h file for managing session- construction arguments and the creation and destruction of sessions.

Specialization-dependent include directories are placed in include/<specname>/.

Service Names

Service names as announced via the parent()->announce() function follow the following convention:

Core's services, which are the most fundamental base services are written completely upper case. Each developer should be aware of the meaning of the used acronyms such as RAM, RM, ROM. All other service names should be descriptive names rather than acronyms. Service names should contain only letters, numbers, and underline characters. The first character must always be an uppercase letter, all other characters are lowercase.